“What has come out of this Challenge is miraculous, and I think it has set the tone for the entire year for the kind of work we at the Smart Cities Mission do. Personally driven by champion leaders who have set the tone, and who have not only taken on the task themselves—but also motivated their colleagues and staff to cycle, walk, and run.”– Kunal Kumar, Joint-Secretary & Mission Director, Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
These were his words at the award ceremony of the month-long ‘Freedom2Walk&Cycle Challenge for City Leaders and Citizens’. More than 300 city leaders and over 21,000 citizens signed up to be part of the Challenge, and together they walked, cycled, and ran more than 12 Lakh kilometers—that’s a loop around India a whopping 50 times!
Learn more about the Challenge—the intent, the process, what city leaders and citizens accomplished, and how cities are committing to create long-term change—in this publication.